you already most likely know the government makes an awful lot of money
on arresting and sending people to jail who smoke or posses marijuana.
This is why they do not want to chance it’s scheduling, they will do
everything they can to keep it a schedule 1 drug.
This is
completely absurd considering schedule 1 drugs are dangerous addictive
drugs that contain no medical merit. Through many studies
though cannabis(marijuana) has been proven time and time again to be
very beneficial to the health of everyone who comes in contact. Cannabis
can reduce the risk of colon cancer and aid in it’s treatment. It has
also been shown that cannabis can kill cancer cells while protecting
normal cells. This is truly amazing yet for some reason it is still
considered a schedule 1 drug? How absurd.
Cannabis has been shown
to make chemotherapy more effective and reduce the side effects of it
dramatically. It actually has increased the appetites of many cancer
patients. Things like this are considered bad while drugs like OxyContin
are being prescribed?
OxyContin itself is basically synthetic heroine
and highly addictive yet it is not a schedule 1 drug and can be
prescribed by your doctor! Most drugs prescribed by doctors like Ritalin
and things of the sort are given to children and do nothing but ruin
their health. We are living in very trying times as you can see.
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