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Friday, 10 February 2017

Fibromyalgia physiotherapy less reimbursed

People suffering from fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue are entitled to only 18 sessions instead of 60. Economy: 4 million.

People suffering from fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue are entitled to only 18 sessions instead of 60. Economy: 4 million.

The reimbursement of physiotherapy for people with fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue will be decreased. Currently, these patients are entitled to a treatment of 60 sessions of 30 minutes, renewable. From 1 January 2017, they will be reimbursed 18 sessions of 45 minutes and will be non-renewable. They will, however, be entitled to 18 additional sessions for common pathologies (30 minutes).

While many doctors believe that it is of mental origin, the real cause of chronic fatigue syndrome or fibromyalgia is not known, which is a chronic condition characterized by diffuse pain or burning sensations in the head. Feet accompanied by deep fatigue. Almost 3% of the population suffers, to varying degrees. Physical activity, including physiotherapy, greatly helps patients who suffer from it.

The decision to review the reimbursement dates from early 2016, but has just been officially communicated to patients. At the ASBL Focus on fibromyalgia, we talk about "a catastrophe" : "We really need our session a week, if we take it off, it will do some damage, the kinés will improve our mobility. Painkillers at higher doses. "

With this measure, the Minister of Health Maggie De Block (Open VLD) will save 4.12 million euros a year. But we are assured that this is not the goal. On the contrary, it is a question of guaranteeing that reimbursement should be maintained (which was subject to approval by reference centers whose agreements have not been renewed). As for the reduction in the number of sessions and the lengthening of the duration, they correspond to the recommendations of the Belgian and international experts.

It will have to be explained to the patients.

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