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Saturday, 25 March 2017


The FDA vs. reality: Cannabis can heal the human nervous system, and it has for centuries

While the Food and Drug Administration, Congress and state legislatures fumble around with what to do about cannibidiol, or CBD – a bioactive cannabinoid found in cannabis which, unlike THC, does not produce a psychoactive effect – they should read a little history on the substance.

Image result for The FDA vs. reality: Cannabis can heal the human nervous system, and it has for centuries

While the Food and Drug Administration, Congress and state legislatures fumble around with what to do about cannibidiol, or CBD – a bioactive cannabinoid found in cannabis which, unlike THC, does not produce a psychoactive effect – they should read a little history on the substance.

If they did, they'd know what millions know now and have known throughout recorded time: CBD has a rich history of providing a wide range of health benefits, including the promotion of bone growth, lowering blood sugar and protecting the brain from ravenous degenerative processes.

As reported by the website Wake Up World, the human nervous system consists of two portions: the peripheral nervous system, which includes the nerves and ganglia outside of the brain and spinal cord; and the central nervous system comprised of the brain, cranial nerves, spinal cord and such. CBD prevents degeneration of both nervous systems in many ways.

A wealth of health benefits

The website reported further:

The human body has a fatty acid called amide hydroxylase (FAAH), an enzyme which and breaks down the neurotransmitter, anandamide, which is associated with the neural generation of motivation and pleasure, as well as neural development in early stage embryos. CBD suppresses the effect of FAAH in the body, creating higher levels of anandamide, which in turn naturally binds to Cannabinoid type 1 receptors (known as CB1), which are concentrated in our central nervous systems.

In addition, the site reported, CBD stimulates the release of 2-AG, an endocannabinoid that in turn stimulates both CB1 and a cannabinoid receptor that plays a decisive role in regulating mood, memory, appetite, sleep and inflammation reduction within the body.

Due to these actions, CBD can also help reduce inflammation of the brain that has been associated with autoimmune disorders and which could also lead to damage of the myelin sheaths that surround neurons. Brain inflammation reduction may also work to alleviate neuropathic pain that is caused by damage to the somatosensory system.

CBD has been shown to be effective in helping treat other conditions as well. It's been shown to aid diabetes patients by naturally lowering blood sugar levels as well as reducing the chronic inflammation that boosts development of insulin resistance in type 2 diabetics. Also, CBD may help lower blood pressure and indirectly help in the growth of bone tissue, while serving as a natural antibiotic. Studies have also shown CBD to be effective in protecting against cancerous cells and tumors.

"Consequently, CBD is of high interest and is researched for the future treatment of cancer," Wake Up World reported.

A ban in the works?

In recent days Natural News editor Mike Adams, the Health Ranger and author of the upcoming book Food Forensics, warned that the FDA is going to try to ban or, at a minimum heavily regulate, CBD.

"Cannabidiol is on the target radar of the FDA, and they are waging a campaign of regulatory intimidation to try to destroy the marketplace. If they get their way, they will EFFECTIVELY outlaw CBDs via regulatory assaults. Their goal is the same: destroy the CBD marketplace," he wrote. "My hope is that they fail in their efforts, of course."

Adams believes that CBD is such a threat to traditional medicine and Big Pharma that the FDA will soon move to crush the industry. In fact, he says, the agency is already invoking arcane, nonsensical laws in a bid to regulate CBD makers to death.


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