Virgin coconut oil on it’s own is one of the most amazing products for health care and beauty regimens. I use it to deep condition my hair, moisturize my skin, bake delicious cookies, wipe make up off, apply as a lip-balm, etc.
Coconut oil has tons of health benefits and uses both internally and externally. It can be applied externally to heal skin and hair from damage, or ingested to help improve memory, fight cancer, ease digestion, boost the immune system, reduce inflammation, cure UTIs, eliminated kidney infection, protect the liver and more.
Making a Great Thing Even Better
One way to make coconut oil even more useful is by infusing it with the medicinal properties of marijuana. Marijuana and coconut oil, when combined properly, create a symphony more beautiful than chocolate and peanut butter (it’s just so much sexier than PB&J, people).Coconut oil is full of natural saturated fats. Don’t worry, these are the ones that increase the HDL (good cholesterol) in your body and help convert the LDL (bad cholesterol) into HDL, a key ingredient to a healthy heart.
The tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) in marijuana, the two cannabinoids that give marijuana it’s healing properties, are very fat soluble. The high concentration of fatty acids present in coconut oil creates a perfect adhesive for the cannabinoids, that bond with the fatty molecules.
How Cannabis Coconut Oil Can Help You
The results of the cannabis coconut oil are much more potent than other butters/margarines/oils, highlighting the medicinal properties of the flower. Cannabis can be used to cure all types of illnesses, depending on the strain, but you have to know how to choose the right one.Strains heavy in THC are best for treating pain, PTSD, nausea, lack of appetite/eating disorders, asthma, glaucoma and sleep disorders.
Other strains that are higher in CBD can be used to combat anxiety, pain, tumors, cancer, seizures, psychosis and neurodegenerative disorders.
The Marijuana Strain Makes a Difference
Flowers in the sativa family have a high CBD:THC ratio, so they have an energizing affect that stimulates the mind and promotes optimism.Due to the high CBD content, they are often used to treat depression, ADHD, and appetite loss. Conversely, those in the indica family have a high THC:CBD ratio. The high THC content gives indica strains a sedative effect that helps with anxiety and sleep disorders.
There are many different hybrid plants that fall on a spectrum of traits from both plant families.
Decarb the Marijuana Before Making your Oil
Decarboxylation is a super simple process. Whenever you use marijuana for cooking or recipes like the one below, make sure you follow these easy steps:- Preheat the oven to 240° F. / 115° C.
- Break up cannabis flowers and buds into smaller pieces with your hands. We use one ounce, but you can elect to do more or less.
- Put the pieces in one layer on a rimmed baking sheet. Make sure the pan is the correct size so there is not empty space on the pan.
- Bake the cannabis for 30 to 40 minutes, stirring every 10 minutes so that it toasts evenly.
- When the cannabis is darker in color, a light to medium brown, and has dried out, remove the baking sheet and allow the cannabis to cool. It should be quite crumbly when handled.
- In a food processor, pulse the cannabis until it is coarsely ground (you don’t want a superfine powder). Store it in an airtight container and use as needed to make extractions
How to Make Cannabis Coconut Oil
In order to prepare Cannabis Coconut Oil, place one gram of de-carboxylate marijuana for every ounce of virgin coconut oil. Place the crushed marijuana in a glass jar and add the coconut oil. Put the lid on the jar, seal it well and put it in a pan full of water. Slowly heat the water and keep it on a below boiling level for 60 minutes.In this way you will keep the oil safe from overheating.
Next, use a strainer to strain the mixture to eliminate the solid elements. Make sure to squeeze the juice from the cannabis. Some people use cheesecloth to strain the mixture properly.
Once you are done with this procedure, you can eat the cannabis coconut oil like that or use it in other foods or apply it as a lotion. Feel free to cook with this treated oil, only when the temperature is lower than 315 F. That is the temperature of the point of boiling of the active compound of marijuana. Obviously, if you use higher temperatures the effects will be gone.
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