By Carey Wedler
Though cannabis use is often associated with unmitigated sloth and
gluttony, a new study suggests the opposite: cannabis use may be
associated with a decrease in obesity. An analysis
of over 20 years of data found that obesity dropped by a significant
margin in states where medical cannabis is legal. Though the
researchers’ findings represented correlation as opposed to causation,
the results, like many new findings about cannabis, chip away at
decades-old stereotypes about the plant and its users.
The study, titled “The Effect of Medical Marijuana Laws on Body Weight,” was published in Health Economics,
an academic journal that focuses on health policy and services, health
care sciences and services, and economics. Researchers from Cornell
University’s Department of Policy Analysis and Management and San Diego
State University’s Department of Economics analyzed data from the Center
for Disease Control’s Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System. The BRFSS is the “premier
system of health-related telephone surveys that collect state data
about U.S. residents regarding their health-related risk behaviors,
chronic health conditions, and use of preventive services,” according to the CDC.
The researchers studied data from 1990-2012 — gleaned from over five
million individual survey responses — in what they call the first ever
study to “examine the effects of medical marijuana laws (MMLs) on body weight, physical wellness, and exercise.” They used a “difference to difference” approach, a method in which researchers use ‘before and after’ data in one group and analyze it alongside “a comparison group that is experiencing the same trends but is not exposed to the policy change.”
The researchers presented different explanations of the trend for
different age groups and posited that among older individuals, cannabis
use is often used to treat chronic pain. They hypothesized that with
reductions in pain come increased physical activity, and as a result,
lower rates of obesity.
The study’s authors offered an alternative analysis for adults aged
18-24, suggesting the availability of cannabis is associated with
reductions in alcohol consumption. “Our findings show that the
enactment of MMLs is associated with a 3.1 percent reduction in the
probability of alcohol consumption and a 4.8 percent reduction in the
probability of binge drinking,” they explained. Alcohol is high in
calories, and compared to cannabis, which has zero calories, the
difference is substantial. When cannabis is more accessible, the authors
reasoned, it can “cause substitution toward lower-calorie recreational ‘highs’ among younger individuals.”
The study also suggested that over the long term, results may be even
more pronounced. Further, they suggested the apparent reduction in
obesity associated with cannabis use leads to lower healthcare costs. “We estimate a back-of-the-envelope-per-person reduction in MML-induced obesity related medical costs of $58 to $115 per year,” they wrote.
The findings were not without mitigating factors. The Washington Post noted that while some studies have found states with legalized cannabis also see decreased alcohol consumption, other studies indicate alcohol intake actually increases in MML-friendly states, leaving conclusions on the matter murky.
Rosalie Pacula, director of the BING Center for Health Economics at
the RAND Corp., argued that the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance
System is not particularly accurate in determining state-level effects,
though she did not explain why. She also noted that cannabis
legalization is relatively new, and ongoing consequences of such
policies are still evolving.
“These data aren’t going to provide us with the definitive answer
because of the issues with the data and time period being evaluated,” Pacula told the Post in an email. “Thus,
I believe that these findings should be interpreted very cautiously –
as they could plausibly be reversed in the future, when other analyses
are done using data sets that contain either (a) state representative
populations over time, or (b) longer time periods for later policies.”
Though the study has caveats, the findings echo similar studies on related issues. One 2013 study
linked cannabis use to a lower risk of developing diabetes, finding
cannabis helps control blood sugar. Murray Mittleman, an associate
professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School and lead author of that
study, explained that the “most important finding is that current users of marijuana appeared to have better carbohydrate metabolism than nonusers. Their
fasting insulin levels were lower, and they appeared to be less
resistant to the insulin produced by their body to maintain a normal
blood-sugar level.”
In reporting on the study, Time noted additional studies that determined “marijuana
users are less likely to be obese, have a lower risk for diabetes and
have lower body-mass-index measurements. And these trends occurred
despite the fact that they seemed to take in more calories.”
Though the findings of the new study must be replicated and further
explored to be confirmed, they shed light on as-yet-unknown benefits of
cannabis legalization, a policy voters increasingly embrace — and for
increasingly good reasons.
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