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Thursday, 13 April 2017


Told She Would Die, Canadian Mom Credits Cannabis Oil for Surviving Cancer

It was 2009 when Canadian Cheryl Pearson was misdiagnosed by the Canadian medical system with multiple sclerosis (MS), and for the following four years, she believed MS was the reason behind her rapidly declining health and the loss of use of some bodily functions. Her doctors were dead wrong as it turned out, and in 2013, she was told she didn’t have MS at all, but, unfortunately something much worse. She was dying from stage 4 Ovarian cancer.


By Phillip Schneider

Doctors told her to prepare to die, but she took cannabis oil instead.

It was 2009 when Canadian Cheryl Pearson was misdiagnosed by the Canadian medical system with multiple sclerosis (MS), and for the following four years, she believed MS was the reason behind her rapidly declining health and the loss of use of some bodily functions. Her doctors were dead wrong as it turned out, and in 2013, she was told she didn’t have MS at all, but, unfortunately something much worse. She was dying from stage 4 Ovarian cancer. Told she would survive until December of 2013, her “end of life date,” she resigned herself to conventional cancer treatments as her only hope.

Frustrated by her doctors’ lack of ability to help his mother, Cheryl’s son Justin, an honor roll student at George Elliot Secondary, made the decision to pursue medicine as a career in order to help save his mother, and he urged her to keep fighting until a cure could be developed.
You feel like doctors should be able to provide the best to heal that person. In my mind that was when I made the decision that medicine was what I wanted to get into.” –Justin Pearson
As Cheryl prepared herself for a double-dose treatment of chemotherapy in 2013, a last-ditch effort by her oncologists, her husband began the process of obtaining legal medical cannabis as an alternative treatment, an option available to them under proper legal protocol. Cheryl, however, had never even smoked pot before, so the main problem was convincing a woman who thought of cannabis as street drug for criminals, or something of the like, to take the treatment.
“My wife is dead set against cannabis, doing something that she grew up to believe is criminal.” – Chris Pearson
A meeting with the head pharmacist for the Canadian Cancer Society convinced her that cannabis was a responsible option and that the science behind it was rather quite convincing.
“When I asked if it would work, he said there are no clinical trials but he advised us that three of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies had applied for patents for synthetic forms of this specifically for the treatment of cancer, so there is obviously something to the concept.” – Chris Pearson
The Pearson family.

Her husband was able to convince her with information from additional friends who advised her of the work of Canadian Rick Simspon, known throughout the world for his pioneering work in the use of cannabis oil extracts to cure cancer and other chronic and terminal conditions. Simpson uses nothing more than a natural home remedy, cannabis oil.
It turns out Cheryl had an allergic reaction to her chemotherapy drugs, and her doctors were convinced all hope was lost. They told her and her family to prepare themselves for her imminent death, but with the will to live, an abundance of hope, and cannabis oil, she is still alive today.

After only five weeks of nothing but cannabis oil supplements, the family received a call from her oncologist with information about a current CT scan that had shown a ‘dramatic improvement’ in her liver, and a 25% reduction in her tumors. She went in for surgery to have the tumors removed, but as her husband noted in an interview:
Both tumors were completely dead when they ran them through tests.” – Chris Pearson
Three months after her supposed “end of life date,” in March of 2014, she was officially in remission, and she feels certain that cannabis oil saved her life.
“I guess I never would have believed it—the results I saw from this plant… Initially I only thought you could smoke it and I was not going that route. I didn’t have the knowledge. I was just thinking it was a puff of smoke and if I have cancer I’m not going to add to it.” -Cheryl Pearson
The importance of sharing stories like this cannot be understated. Especially so at a time when cancer rates worldwide are on the rise and the cancer industry works feverishly to confuse people about the real causes and the real practical cures for cancer.

Celebrity stoner Tommy Chong also cured himself of cancer in recent years with the use of cannabis oil, and while cannabis may not be the best option for everyone suffering from cancer, cannabis as a medicine for many conditions is the future of natural health, and no longer can the medical establishment keep a lid on this wonderful medicine.
Take a look at this eye opening documentary about Rick Simpson’s cure, and please share this enlightening information far and wide.

See: This Is The Cannabis Oil Recipe Rick Simpson Used To Heal His Cancer And Recommends To Others


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  1. You can only take intense pain for so long before you'll do anything to escape it. We at believe in the impact of cannabis oil in helping people change their lives for the better and allowing them to lead healthier and more fulfilling lives. That's why we're very dedicated in increasing awareness for cannabis oil.


  2. Here is my story. greatful

    My wife was diagnosed with a cancer, ( before i learnt of Rick Simpsons oil / RSO ) the hospital said to do chemotherapy and radiotherapy.. she did.. and went through a lot.. but no cure, after a while the doctors said the cancer was spreading and we could look for alternatives.. i searched the internet and found out about the oil.. asked alot of questions.. watched the videos etc.. we made the oil our selves but it couldn't just work out we were doing more harm than good and the cancer was still there spreading, i searched more on the internet i found a testimony on how a lady got the oil via an email, immediately copied the email: i wrote to this very email and in an hour later i got a reply back asking me some few questions, and enlightened me on how to get the oil in the next 48hours, i placed my order and in the next 48hours the medication oil got to us. immediately my wife started using the oil, it been two months now, since my wife has been using the medication oil and the cancerous problems are gone this very fact was clarified by the doctor.

    i put up this piece of testimony for the sake of those once who need this oil to please don't die in silence their is a cure for your cancer today email: and get the oil.


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